My practice of woodworking and illustration involves sharing knowledge through artistry. I have a great love for research in a wide array of fields, from chemistry and biology to spirituality and floriography. My final work 'Cellular Interconnections' presents a diverse display of the chemistry and biology behind the environmental presence of endocrine disrupting chemicals. The endocrine system involving the hormonal system and, thereby, pregnancy. I hope to share this knowledge in both beauty and detail through my work so that we might come to understand the world around us and how it can so easily impact our bodies. My latest works post university are equally related to women. However, I have pivoted from how we may protect our bodies to how we may protect our minds. I'm currently working to exhibit a collection of collaged messenger cards relating to the language of flowers. A language brought to English culture by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu and made popular by Queen Victoria herself due to the extensive restrictions placed upon 'appropriate' conversation. In beauty and intellect comes power. It is these elements that I wish to portray within my collages. Remember the past injustice and how women grew to overcome them.


Chin Ton (Naomi) Tang


Charlotte Treloar